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Exact Synergy Enterprise   

Exact Synergy Enterprise web services: Technical reference of business entities for product update 266

The following entity services have been introduced for Exact Synergy Enterprise in this product update:

  • ContractLicenseDemo - This service allows the download of the demo license in assortments (Exact Globe Next, Exact Synergy Enterprise, Exact Business Software, Exact Lightweight Integration Server, and Exact Compact).
  • ContractLicenseDemoUpdate - This service allows the retrieval of the actual license for replacement of the current demo license.
  • ContractLicenseELISUpdate - This service allows the update of ELIS using One-time Pass (OTP).
  • PartnerDemo - This service allows the retrieval of partner demo license.
  • PartnerDemoActivate - This service allows the activation of partner demo license.
  • PartnerDemoActivated - This service allows the updating of a record in the server for logging purposes indicating that demo license has been activated.
  • PartnerDemoUpdate - This service allows the updating of current partner demo license.

To make use of the business entities to manipulate the data using web services, you are required to understand the metadata. The technical reference provides you with the technical information required. You can download the technical reference here and open the ESE.Main.html file.

An example of the technical information is shown in the following:


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 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Online help main
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 29.548.115
 Assortment:  Date: 11-11-2020
 Release: 266  Attachment:

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